Lesenswert: Berlin-Boom, EyeEm, Odigeo, VC-Job, IPO, Google, PayPal, Zivity
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Start-up-Boom in Berlin
Berlin erlebt seit einigen Jahren einen Start-up-Boom – für viele Branchenkenner ist die Hauptstadt schon das Silicon Valley Europas.
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EyeEm zeigt in Bildern, was um einen herum geschieht
Die Berliner Foto-Sharing-App EyeEm hat sich ein umfangreiches Update verpasst. Künftig dreht sich bei dem für iPhone und Android erhältlichen Dienst alles noch stärker um Fotos rund um Orte, Events und Themen.
Neuer europäischer Riese im Onlinereisemarkt
Von der Öffentlichkeit relativ unbemerkt entstand jüngst ein neuer Riese im Onlinereisemarkt: Odigeo. Das Unternehmen ist der Zusammenschluss von Opodo, eDreams und GoVoyage. Travellink, Opodos skandinavische Filiale, gehört ebenfalls mit dazu. Odigeo wird als Marke nicht gegenüber Endkunden in Erscheinung treten, ebenso werden die unterschiedlichen, in ihren Heimatmärkten bekannten und etablierten Marken, beibehalten. Somit wird Odigeo in 27 Ländern aktiv sein. 2010 stehen ca. 3,5 Milliarden Euro als Einnahmen zu Buche.
So You Want to be a VC?
I had a meeting this week with a friend of a friend who was interested in getting into the Venture Capital Business. I have a few of these meetings every year, usually around the time that grad school students are thinking about jobs. Usually, the person wants to jump into the question of how one goes about finding a VC job. Instead, I like to spend a bit of time giving more color into the venture capital career path and give a sober view of some of the non-obvious but less attractive facets of the job.
A List Of Startups Goldman Sachs Thinks Will Most Likely IPO
Very very quietly (there is almost no Google footprint), investment bank and securities firm Goldman Sachs held its “Private Internet Company Conference” this week in Las Vegas. During the two-day conference, which lasted from November 29-30th, a gaggle of companies presented their business models to an elite audience composed of bankers, investors and peers.
10 Google Search Changes Include Long Tail Indexing, Parked Domain Classifier
Google has announced 10 search changes – a mix of algorithmic, crawling, and user interface updates. Better long-tail indexing and parked domain detection are among the announced changes. Additionally, Google has committed to writing a new post with algorithm updates each month.
Search Engine Watch
PayPal, Zivity
PayPal decides that Zivity is too sexy to make money
As we know, PayPal decides to refuse service to whomever it likes now and then. Some of the memorable PayPal users that got the boot were WikiLeaks and The Pirate Bay. Why were they no longer able to receive funds? Well, because both services were attempting to raise money for illegal services in one way or another, according to PayPal.
The Next Web
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