Lesenswert: Gründer-Inkubatoren, frents, Madvertise, Google Farmer Update, Groupon
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Aktuelle Links zu Web- und Gründergeschichten in Kurzform:
Die schnellen Brüter für Startups boomen
In sogenannten Inkubatoren finden Gründer Nährboden und Nestwärme, um zu Unternehmern zu reifen. Betreiber dieser Brutkästen sind nicht nur Hochschulen, die findige Wissenschaftler fördern, sondern neuerdings auch immer mehr Unternehmer mit viel Geld und hohen Ansprüchen.
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frents positioniert sich als “Social Library” für Sachen
Einst als Social Network für Dinge mit einem etwas unklaren Fokus gestartet, hat sich das Berliner Startup frents einer Schlankheitskur unterzogen und hebt nun deutlicher hervor, worin der Produktnutzen liegt.
Madvertise launches €5m developer fund (sort of but not really)
Madvertise, the Berlin-based mobile ad network, has launched a five million Euro fund for mobile app developers. Only it isn’t really a fund and it certainly isn’t €5m. This one takes a little time to unravel so we’ll save you the effort.
TechCrunch Europe
Google Farmer Update
Google Targets Content Farms With Major Search Algorithm Tweaks
Google made a substantial revision to its search algorithm today, the company says. And while no one in particular is being called out, it’s clear that the big losers are content farms and related spammy-content producers who have been having an absolute field day on Google over the last couple of years.
Google Farmer Update
Google Farmer Update: Quest for Quality
During this week, Google announced a significant algorithm-update which aims to increase quality in Google’s search results. Domains containing low-quality content are supposed to be found less often, high-quality pages are to achieve better rankings. At the moment this update is active in the US-Index, more countries are about to follow.
The Groupon Frodo Memo
Online coupon company Groupon is looking for massive growth while laying the groundwork for an IPO later this year, according to a leaked memo reported by the WSJ. The memo, sent by Groupon CEO Andrew Mason to staff in early January, also reveals financial results for last year and grand ambitions for 2011, when Mr. Mason hopes to achieve “billions in revenue.”
The Wall Street Journal
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