Lesenswert: Webpioniere, Business Angels, DST, Google-Film, Google, Like.com, Playspan
Online/Digital Marketing Manager DACH (m/w/d) - Core Operations |
Marketing and Social Media Manager (m/w/d) |
Scrum Master (m/w/d) |
(Senior) Data Engineer (m/w/d) |
Online Marketing Manager (m/w/d) |
Aktuelle Links zu Web- und Gründergeschichten in Kurzform.
Die Rückkehr der Internetpioniere
Zehn Jahre nach dem Platzen der Internetblase boomt die Szene in Deutschland wieder. Die Zahl der Startups steigt, ausländische Wagnisfinanzierer suchen nach den Stars von morgen. Im Hintergrund zieht eine kleine Gruppe von Machern die Fäden.
Financial Times Deutschland
Business Angels
So geizig sind deutsche Business Angels
Man könnte meinen, hauptsächlich die sparsamen Schwaben bilden das Gros der derzeitigen Business-Angel-Szene. Zumindest, wenn man sich anschaut, wie wenig Kapital die Privatinvestoren zuschießen. Über die mutmaßlichen Gründe und die Folgen, lesen SPrivatinvestorenie hier im Artikel.
And Groupon makes three. What’s Russian firm DST’s secret sauce?
Moscow-based Digital Sky Technologies has come out of nowhere to become the investment firm du jour, beating out other investors to win the hands of Facebook, Zynga and Groupon in the past year.
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Google Founders Will Get Film Treatment
Exclusive: The founders of Facebook aren\’t the only game-changing geeks poised to have their story told on a movie screen. Michael London\’s Groundswell Productions has teamed with producer John Morris to acquire movie rights to the Ken Auletta book Googled: The End of the World As We Know it. They will use the book as the blueprint for a feature film that tells the story of Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page and the fast rise of the juggernaut web business that made them billionaires.
Google, Like.com
Google Buys Visual Shopping Search Engine Like.com
Google has acquired visual search and price comparison engine Like.com, according to an open letter posted on Like.com’s website.
PlaySpan Raises $18 Million For Virtual Goods Marketplace; Will Expand To Europe And Asia
Virtual goods marketplace platform Playspan has raised $18 million in Series C funding led by Vodafone Ventures and Softbank Bodhi Fund, with existing investors Menlo Ventures, Novel TMT Ventures, STIC, and others participating in the round. This brings the startup’s total funding to a whopping $42 million.
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